
The Shortcomings of American Know-How

American Know-How
My Swedish friend 


sa says that European companies like to hire people from the United States because they possess "American Know-How."

American Know-How is the belief that anything is possible given the willingness to work hand. Whether it be by talent, skill, or many times shear force of will, Americans are known for their willingness to find creative solutions to pressing problems and make the best of, and even thrive, in challenging situations. American Know-How is a secret sauce of creativity, ingenuity, and motivation that has helped Americans develop bold new ideas and create innovations that are now commonplace across the globe.

At the same time it puzzles me that a country like ours, with so many "firsts" and so much abundance, can't apply this American Know-How to things that uplift all people. We continue to be important leaders and innovators on a global level yet we fail to provide a social safety net that cares for everybody. Essentially all other wealthy counties have managed to provide their citizens, especially the youngest, oldest, and more vulnerable members of society, with public services and resources so that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can maintain an acceptable standard of living.

There are so many ways the United States is failing its citizens. If a mass shooting in an elementary school can't solve our gun and violence problems and a pandemic isn't enough to separate health insurance from our job, is there any hope that these things (plus many other ills in society) will ever change? 

How long will it take until we use our American Know-How to shape a just, equitable society? Here are a few places where American Know-How could help usher in change.

  • Create a universal/single-payer health care system. Through the Affordable Care Act, health insurance is now widely available including for those with a pre-existing condition but it is still largely unaffordable. Many policies require a monthly premium and spending thousands of dollars before actual coverages kicks in. Policies that actually cover preventative care, vision coverage, and dental care come with a high monthly premium. If you're lucky enough to have decent coverage through your job, a layoff will find you and your family uninsured. The United States is the only industrialized nation without universal healthcare and medical bankruptcy, still common despite the Affordable Care Act, is almost unheard of outside of the United States.
  • Get money out of politics. Large corporations have lobbyists to fight for their interests and wealthy Americans make large campaign contributions that shift the outcome of elections and shape policy. In addition, billions of dollars are spent during the presidential campaign cycle ($4.1 billion in 2019-2020. Source, Federal Elections Commission.) in addition to the money spent on races at all other levels of government. Imagine if we could re-direct even a fraction of this money to other places.
  • Tax the wealthy and large corporations a fair amount. We have allowed inequality to grow to staggering levels. The outdated notion is still alive that by not taxing large corporations and the wealthiest Americans these riches will somehow magically "trickle down" to the masses. Income and wealth inequality are rising, especially when you compare the United States to other developed countries. Programs/policies to increase minimum wage, expand access to education and job training, and a more progressive tax structure are slow to come.
  • Establish government mandated vacation time for all workers. The United States is the only wealthy country that does not mandate paid vacation. In addition, family-friendly work policies are also lacking. We're one of a few developed countries that does not require employers to provide paid time off for new parents.
  • Keep abortion legal. The right wing hopes to eliminate all abortion, which does nothing more than force people to give birth. Yet these same individuals do not want to provide affordable birth control, hope to limit sex education, and vote to cut services for the those born to poverty.
  • Enact strict gun control laws. How much more is there to say about gun violence and gun control? Something needs to change.
Is American Know-How a thing of the past or can we use it to uplift all people? As you read this list, why do you think the United States lags behind so many countries in these areas?

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