
The Sky was Magic

Here's a post from last March. I discovered
Bozeman backcountry skiing
Some days just sparkle
  it the drafts folder - somehow I never got around to posting it. A quick story about a stunning ski in one of my favorite go-to locations last March.


Summer Activity Stats

I've been working on this for a while. Between a busy few weeks at work and the need to consult maps before writing this up, I kept getting put it off. Before everything gets "lost in the mists of time," I've decided to document a few notable summer outings - a really quick summary to remember names but very lacking in details. 


For the First Time - Discovering the Wild East

Prague, Wild EastDuring a long run this morning I found my thoughts drifting to the city of Prague. Still thinking about it upon my return, I took a few moments to jot down these recollections of my first visit there in 2000. This is a work in progress.