
Welcome Home Bingo - European Edition

Sutjeska Memorial at Tjentište, Bosnia
Here's a fun game you can play when you return from your next trip to Europe. See how long it takes before you see or experience the following. Challenge your travel companions to see who can be the first to check off all of the items found on the list.

Do you have items to add to the list? If so, please share them in the comments section of this post.

Note: This list is based my experiences during numerous trips to Europe. I just returned from a trip to Croatia and Bosnia and many of the items found below are specific to the trip. I am by no means suggesting that this is how it is everywhere both home and abroad. And it is not my intention to pass judgement or to say that one way is better or worse than the other. These are just my observations. You may find different things during your travels and where you live.

Please take this game lightly as it is intended. Most importantly, get out and travel.


Welcome Home Bingo
European Edition

Driving & On the Road

Cat in Mostar, Bosnia

1) Black Audi sedans driving fast on curvy two-lane country roads are replaced by oversize white SUVs and trucks driving fast everywhere.

2) Gas is $4.79 per gallon versus $6.75+ per gallon. 

3) Cars are left idling anytime, anywhere regardless of the temperature outside.

Dining & Sipping

4) Cappuccino comes in 12 to 16 ounce sizes.

5) To-go coffee is everywhere.

6) Restaurants are filled with the dinner crowd by 6:30 p.m. The kitchen closes at 9 p.m. (Obviously this is not true if you live in New York City or most other major American cities. But for much of the U.S., this is reality.)

7) Your server at the restaurant tells you their name and perkily says "I'll be taking care of you this evening." They check in often throughout your meal.

8) At a restaurant, the check is brought to you without asking. Gone is the mystery of figuring out how to get it.

9) Tipping is expected. When you pay your bill, the handheld credit card machine used by the server displays options for a 15, 20, or 25% tip. If you wish to tip another amount, you will need to hit the Other option.

Lost in translation

"Connecting" with the Customer

10) The cashier at the grocery store asks, "So, do you have any fun plans this weekend?" 


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