
Writing Exercise: Youthful Job Aspirations

I have never really known what I wanted to be and still don't. Early aspirations included driving a school bus and working at Dairy Queen. Once those goals faded, I wanted to be a novelist. After that, I never had an answer to the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" 

I did know I wanted to be important and powerful with a sophisticated sense of style. 


I was going to be the young woman who lived in a tri-level house of her own. It was the 1970s after all and in my young mind, that's how I'd know I was a success, a groovy home attained through my hard work in my powerful career.

In my imaginary future, I'd have a very important job. In what? Who knows. Publishing maybe? There would be a bunch of gals working in the field, but I'd be the Queen Bee. I'd have a million calls to make all of the time, and I'd be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY. This busyness is something that would drive the current Ann crazy but at the time, it seemed thrilling, the way a fruitful and rewarding adult working life could be.

So many important writers, photographers, and editors would be seeking my endorsement. A constant hive of activity would surround me, and I'd handle it all with aplomb.

Bursting with sophistication, I'd sit propped up on the minimalist glass-top desk and talk in an authoritative voice. Phone to ear, dangling the chord of the phone around my slender index finger, shear pantyhose clad legs crossed, my authority and style would convey across the phone lines.

This would be the adult me.

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